Energetic Sparkles Surging Down My Chakra’s-How I knew I was called to Create The Oracle of Initiation

On April 6th, 2006 I knew I was called to create my own divination deck. As I sat on my couch in Wedgewood, one of the most intense energetic experiences I have ever felt cascaded down through my Chakras*. So, backing up… at the end of August 2005 I had a major concussion hip-hop roller …

Reclaiming The Erotic

In Audre Lorde’s seminal lecture from 1978, “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power” from the book Sister Outsider, she beautifully articulates the essential need to return to living within the broadest reaches of creativity, sensuality and intuition. This piece was crafted during the seventies when some Feminists had their own  ‘Backlash” again the …

The Painted Body Locations-how in the world did I get there?

I can't talk about the Painted Body series locations without bringing in the Earthen Body series first. Over time I will revisit certain pivotal shoots from the Earthen Body series, but for now we shall just share their profound impact on my sense of power, trust and joy. The Earthen Body series began in Texas …